Thank you❗️♥️🙏🏻♥️❗️

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Ah, nice. Nostalgia. Sweet.

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Great story. I played Zork years ago over dialup. It's on Steam now.

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Every now and then I wonder if maybe text adventures could make a come back because it really was a unique way to play games and solve puzzles, but I just don’t think the market is big enough to ever support those types of games again. Everyone wants flashy graphics and soundtracks now. I guess time has moved on.

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Nailed it. Speaking as someone who did her Honours degree on ELIZA. She was not nearly as helpful as Clippy. Also, “West of White House” drove me nuts because I am also directionally/spatially challenged and kept going in circles, grr.

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Man, I remember using ELIZA. I was still in school, but it was so trippy to see it ask me probing questions and respond in what felt like a natural way. After about 10 minutes though you figured out the trick… and then, you felt stupid for falling for it. It really does go to show how easy it can be to trick people.

What was your major?

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Computer Science. (We’re Australian. We have super-specific majors)

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I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was concerned about whether my references were too dated or too geeky. I’m glad you understood it all.

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I played so much Zork. I am so old.

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Man, me too. Did you beat them? I had to use one of those hint books to beat the second one. And a friend helped me beat the first one. I think I made it through the third one my own. That’s how I remember it but I’m sure one of my friends probably helped me solve some of the problems.

Those were some of the most unfair games (as in it was easy to create situations where you were still alive, but could no longer win) that I’ve ever played. They were also so much fun though.

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I am pretty sure I did, but yeah i think i used hints from some magazine too.

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We (my brothers and I) played Zork, or dungeon, on dialup over an acoustic modem to a mainframe on the college campus where my dad worked.

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You guys were so lucky. I would have happily traded my sister for the opportunity to call into a mainframe over an acoustic modem. Of course, some days I would have traded her for a stick of bubblegum too. It’s odd that you were still playing it over a mainframe so late though. Retail versions were widespread even in the late 70’s. Regardless of the how or why, it still sounds like it was a happy childhood memory.

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It is interesting that you named the character responsible for Clippy's development Dave. I thought of Dave in 2001: A Space Odyssey and HAL who took command of the space ship. At the end of your story, Michael chooses to put his faith in humanity rather than in the promises of advanced technology. As he noted, it is a choice we will have to make again. Technology always holds out the promise of a brighter future, but at what cost?

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