A fabulous interview with two of my favorite writers! Loved this!

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This was perfect. Really fun and insightful interview--keep em' coming, John!

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Hey ladies! You’re both excellent and I appreciated seeing your faces and voices in real life after reading both of your writing :).

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Ooh this was good!

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I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for commenting.

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Nice job, John. Look forward to future podcasts from you.

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I enjoyed this. Most of my new books come from Substack writers.

I'm still waiting for Sally to publish her book.

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It's worth noting that navigation and look and feel of newsletters is extremely limited on Substack (basic layout only has two options!), there are few levers, so it's always clunky for readers to go backwards, even when the writer has set up content pages and whatnot.

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Thanks for putting this together, can't wait to dive into the episode! You guys rock!

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I’m glad you’re excited. I hope you find the interview helpful.

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Didn’t know this even took place, damn gonna have a good listen later.

Any chance you can get @The Man Behind the Screen or @Winston Malone on the show?

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